Monday 21 March 2016

No school evuuurr againn

School time is finally over!
I feel so bad for not writing for such a long time, but I just didn't feel like doing it.
The last week was my last week of school ever! I feel like I'm a bit boring, because I as the only one who didn't use the time to get drunk and party. I really enjoyed it, though! In Germany, we usually spend our last week of school to dress up to different mottos, for example: First day of school, gender swapping stuff, heroes of our childhood etc. I was ill for two days, but I still enjoyed this week which was full of sunshine and laughter.

I'll probably miss my friends, the choir rehearsals (which I'll be still attending until the end of the year) and the French courses with my favourite teacher ever. Each one of us wrote her a letter and we collected them together in a note book. She told me later that she'd never been this happy about a present before.

The following weeks and months are going to be very exciting. I'll spend the next 4 weeks studying for my exams, although I'll get a visit from England tomorrow! And I'll take many many photos when I'm at my mum's for sure. Also, I hope my English is going to improve during that time, but maybe it will get worse because I'm mixing up all the languages at once. Horrible, haha! I'll keep you updated!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Writer's block

I wrote so many blog entries in January, February is nothing compared to it.
Although everything is going well, really!
No exams until April and I already got my education exam back: 14/15 points! And 15 is close to impossible! I'm so happy, and I didn't think I could do it, since my teacher stressed how unacceptable it is to only write around 10 columns in 5 hours.
As I already showed you in my last entry, I spent my weekend taking photos for my art project. But I also got up early on Saturday and used the great liked to take some photos of Sammy. I'm not satisfied, but keeping in mind I was so excited because of the sunrise that I even forgot to empty my bladder before rushing outside, it's no wonder. Some are great, though, and I would show you if I hadn't forgotten my SD card in Mönchengladbach - oh well. In two weeks, maybe.
I'm also busy making plans for my birthday party, because two friends of mine will come to my house from quite far away. I'm really happy to meet them, also because I haven't met them before.
I absolutely can't complain about my life right now. Of course, some things could be better, but I got back to simply living life as it comes and enjoying every day of it. Also, I'm a bit distracted by all that stress that's still ahead of me.
Enough for today. I've been cleaning my room and I don't know how to go on, because I'm starving. Hope you have a nice week!