Sunday 5 June 2016

Bye Bye!

No, I'm not going!
Not yet, at least.
At the moment, my plans about going to Dortmund are starting to fade. I have the craziest ideas, so much motivation, I just want to pack my things and be gone.
How? Where? I have no idea. It could be classic: I could book a TEFL course, get an accommodation, get a job, book my flight to England and then go there.
But my ideas are even better. Or worse.
I was thinking - wouldn't it be possible to go to England by bike? Where would I sleep? I don't know! How would I carry my things? No idea! But it would be so awesome to be on my way for a week. Five countries in 8 days. Awesome.
Not like I actually wanted to do it, or could. My parents probably wouldn't let me, despite the fact that I'm 18. But I really really love the imagination!

First day: Lippstadt, Hamm, Bergkamen, night in Wesel. Second day: Geldern, night in Valkenswaard. Third day: Herentals, night in Antwerpen. Fourth day: Damme, night in Ostende. Fifth day: Dunkerque, Gravelines, Marck, night in Calais. Sixth day: Folkestone, Ashford, Rochester, night in Dartford. Seventh day: London, Slough, night in Reading. Last day: Newsbury, Devizes, Bath and finally Bristol. Or something like that. Crazy!

But I would have to do that in summer or spring, I suppose, and that's too late for me now, since it's almost summer and I wouldn't even know where to stay yet, haha.
I'm such a dreamer.

What happened to me? Well, after another breakup, I knew that I had to be happy, no matter what. That I should do whatever I want to, go wherever I want to. So I started planning. And it made me think about what my Vietnamese friend told me about Buddhism - and I think it would be really interesting to visit Buddhist temples and learn about this religion, because what they teach, is exactly what I want to believe. It's not just things they teach about a God they made up to understand the way the world works, no, it's a philosophy, the philosophy of being happy and free, no matter what.
My train of thought is a bit pathetic, I know. But the time has come to dream again, and now I'm finally at an age where I can make these dreams come true.

And I can do that, I know it.

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