Wednesday 3 February 2016

Watch, listen, touch, breath in

I don't know why I'm thinking so much about happiness. I probably just strive to find a simple way to get happy or to be it, to stay it. I don't know, haha. The thing is: I want to enjoy my life to its fullest. It was so easy just two years ago, and learning how to do it is not easy at all, but I'll get to a point where it will be easy. A thing I remember from last year: Me, alone in the garden. Super depressed. Trying to enjoy summer just for a moment. I took off my socks and felt the grass between my toes. I touched the wooden table, I could feel it. I sat down in the grass, felt the soft wind, the sun on my skin, looked at all the bright colours. Last year feels like really far away from now, but I thought about this, which felt so close and real and I could also remember other things that I experienced.
I wasn't even melancholic, it was all about perception.
As I already said yesterday, you shouldn't think too much about the past, and not even too much about the future or just your life right now. Don't think. Watch. Watch the people in the streets, watch the birds in the trees, watch the bees in the flowers. Listen. Listen to the breeze wandering through the treetops, listen to girls talking about their latest crush, listen to the neighbour's dog that's barking because it saw a squirrel. Feel. Feel the books you're reading, feel the grass on the floor, feel traffic light's button when you push it.
Walk barefoot!
Perceive your world. Then participate. Get in touch with what you see around you. You're not caught in your thoughts. You should think yes, but do it when there's nothing new to perceive, for example, when you come home from work, lie down on your sofa and stay there for an hour. But make sure you take advantage of your senses. Get outside. Meet new people.
Just stop brooding. Start living.

And no, I'm not going to think about this all the time. I will tell people, and I will remind myself when I take notice of myself being lost in thoughts again.

Good times might have passed, but good times are now. Nothing is lost. It's just past. There is no "if". It counts what's happened, it has happened, it is a part of you and now you will go on. You will live.

Thank you. I keep getting better at this. :))

(P.S.: This is also a kind of meditation. If you feel sad or worried, listen to music, don't think about it, just listen. Feel your breath, your body inhaling, exhaling. The ground your lying on. Don't think about it. Feel it. It's difficult but it's worth it. ;))

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