Friday 13 May 2016

In Love with Coco

Wohoo, there's a new tag on my blog! And it feels weird that I'm writing this, looking at my own face underneath. But this is now about beauty!
I remember when I was like 12, 13 years old, I was quite interested in makeup etc, but it didn't really feel natural, so I just decided to be myself and move on, haha. Now, at the age of 18, I used a foundation for the first time in my life, and I caught myself watching a lot of beauty videos on youtube.
What has happened to me? I even have my favourite clothes brand, which is Tally Weijl, by the way. Apparantly, Leen also has a female side. It's interesting.

So, most of you won't know, but I've started a new treatment for my hair. Basically, I'm only washing it 2-3 times a week now. I used to do it every day. Just saying.
The reason why I'm doing this, is that I want long and especially healthy hair, and it's a whole new feeling for me, taking that much care of my hair (that rhyme though, wow). I shower more often than I wash my hair, using only conditioner so it doesn't look greasy. Today, I tried using coconut oil as well. I had no idea coconut oil could do this much! Like, literally, it's good for everything! I put it into my hair (and gave myself a head massage, so good ugh), massaged it into my face, put some onto my super dry lips and even onto my piercing wound. Getting out of the shower, I couldn't describe this feeling I had! Usually, my skin is super dry afterwards, but this time it wasn't. Not even my lips which had been awfully dry since I got my piercing. My hair still feels a bit greasy because I didn't use shampoo, but I don't blame it on the coconut oil.
I'm so excited to see where this is going! And my hair is finally at a length where I don't have to flatten it every day. Yesterday, I went outside with only a flattened fringe, that's it.
Whenever I feel like shit, just remind me to do something for my body. It makes me feel so good! Also the fact I've been eating a lot of fruits during the past few days (more than usual at least). When I'm in England, I'll start working out again and we'll be two to drink a lot of smoothies - and we should also buy some cucumbers.
This is going somewhere, guys! I'm growing up!

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