Tuesday 19 July 2016

Essay English #1

This might not seem too weird to you guys yet, but just you wait for the following weeks. As I told you, I've decided to spend more time on studying languages and apart from comprehension and reading tasks, I think I should also train my writing skills. It's easy this week, it might be alright in the next two weeks, but after that, who knows. I better start studying more!

Essay English #1: Do people depend too much on technology nowadays?

Technology appears everywhere in our everyday lives. In the morning, I am woken up by an alarm, which is usually on my mobile phone. I check my messages, start my computer and go through all the things I need to do. Usually, I write them into my spiral pad which has been my friend for more than a year now. Using programs and applications to organise everything confuses me a lot, so I stick to those old-schooled alternatives. When I feel like reading, I take one of those beautiful old books I purchased at a flea market out of my shelf, lie down in my bed and just read.
Without any doubt, we do use a lot of technology nowadays. It's faster, more efficient, it's easier to share things. But the benefits might come to a limit and there might also be some dangers.

Let's come back to my reading example. When do I actually read a book, voluntarily? To be honest, I haven't full-heartedly read a book in years. I bought one last year, but after I had finished it, I was disappointed about having put so much time into reading it, since the story was quite boring. When I go into a bookstore, I see so many books I would like to read. They sound interesting, there are so many diverse topics! So maybe I buy one. I go home, tell myself that I should read the book once I've spent money on it, read about two chapters and then get bored. Only think about those old times when I was in primary school, where I would read all day! What happened?
There's a simple answer to it: It's become easier to distract me. I lie in my bed, read the book, but I know that my phone is lying on my desk and the green light tells me that I have a new message. Who could it be? What if I miss anything important? Couldn't I read and just check my messages at the same time?
Well, no, I can't. Luckily, I've learned about myself that if I actually want to read a book, I need to get into an environment without any distractions. When I'm at my mum's house, I usually sit down in the garden – the dogs can only distract me for a minute. Also, I know that I need to be absolutely relaxed to read a book. And I don't know if this came with puberty or if it's an actual issue of our modern life, but I'm never really relaxed. I'm so nervous most of the time, if I sit down in front of my computer to just browse 9gag and do nothing for a moment, I simply get the urge to stand up and do something, but at the same time, I'm way too lazy.
There's no doubt about that technology has changed us, as people.
I still find myself trying to avoid seeing technology as an important part of our life, something, which still affects us when we're outside in the nature. I even refuse to see it as more than a medium for communication, no, it literally seems to have become a replacement for the normal communication: face to face, eye to eye. People apologise when they don't answer my messages rightaway, as if it was their duty to read their messages every single minute of their lives. They even apologise when they fall asleep.
Alright, it's different in a relationship, just to make that clear. But, still – isn't it weird how technology has even become an essential part in modern relationships?

Technology has changed us, it affects us, and we're dependent. Of course we are, because nobody will contact you if you don't have a mobile phone number, an e-mail address or a profile on a social media website. You'll be forgotten, it will be to inconvenient to get in touch with you. Life without technology would be too inconvenient for those, who grew up with it.
You can't fight it, it will increase and there will be more progress and better technologies and innovations. The most important thing is to force yourself to disconnect sometimes. To turn off your computer, your TV, your phone. To go outside, for a walk, to invite your friends for a picnic by the lake. To write a letter to your loved ones. Enjoying the little things in life has become really difficult nowadays, due to technology. But we should try to focus on them more often and we'll see that we won't be the only ones who will be happy about this decision.

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